Tuesday, March 20, 2018


     Now that I've come up with a solid plan of my cover page's appearance, I have to start brainstorming different topics to hint at on the coverage. My goal is to have one main topic, which will be paired with the cover picture, and two to three 'subtopics'. After doing research, I decided I wanted at least one topic to contain numbers. Since my magazine applies to the whole world, I decided to make a topic: "Top 10 Must See Places".  It would be ranked from worst to best: United States, Italy, France, Australia, Argentina, Japan, UK, Germany, Canada, Norway. With each country name, I could do a brief description on the country and what is so great about it, also a picture of each country's unique landscape. As of now, I'm planning on this being my main article.

     For one of my subtopics, I was thinking of creating a 'How To Travel Guide'. Here, I can supply common traveller questions and specific questions to each one. This could help, especially new, travelers decide what they want to do while traveling. Common questions could include "How do I find the right hotel?" and "How can I find traditional activities within a touristy city?" I can answer these questions by using my past experience, as well as my parents' opinions, since they're both travel agents as a side job. In my opinion, the article would be best if around 20 questions were answered. This way, the reader will surely be supplied with enough information to ease their curiosity, but the number of questions won't be high enough for them to start sounding repetitive.

     A second subtopic could be 'Why Italy?' Here, I can write an article on why tourists should make sure they visit Italy. Within the persuasive article, readers can find statistics about the country as well as information such as: culture, food, and activities. The article could be started by an introduction to the country along with a brief history of its past and founding. It would be my goal to persuade readers to hop on a plane and fly over to Italy after they read my article.

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