Friday, April 6, 2018

Group Meet 2

Today I had my second group meet. My group was a total of four people, three of which were doing magazines. I was the only one doing a travel magazine though. Anyway, it was really nice looking at everyone's progress and comparing it to my own.

When it was my turn to speak and present my blog and progress, I received a lot of good insight from the group. For starters, they liked my blog. They felt that the colorations and images went really well with the topic of my project. Through speaking with my group, I decided I may just stick with my original cover page. In the beginning of my blogging, I created a post with three examples of a cover page, all of which i created. At the time I was expecting to make a new one from scratch and use the first one as an example, but I think I may stick with my original. My group mates really liked the quality of it. They even gave me pointers to fix the positioning if the text on it. Even though I've decided to stick with it, I'm editing it a little. The left side of the magazine cover seems pretty empty now, so I'm going to change my spacing and positioning a little more.

Although I've gained confidence regarding my cover page, I've become more worried with my table of contents. My group members all have very organized table of contents. They're really pretty and creative. I felt as if mine was great while I was creating it, but compared to theirs, I have to change quite a bit up.

Overall, My project is coming along really well!! Yay!

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